Avoid da ngerous environments. Do no t use
in unven tilat ed a r eas or wh ere dust o r e xplo-
sive v apors c an build up.
To r ed ucethe risk o f electrical sho c k, us eex-
tensio n cor ds specif ically mar ked as suitable
for o utd oorappliances. T heelectrical rating of
thecordmust n otbe less thanthe rating o fthe
unit. The cord must be marked with the suffix
“W-A ” (in Canad a, “W”). Make sure your ex-
tension cord is in good condition. Inspect ex-
tension cord before u se and replace if dam-
aged. An undersized extension cord will
cause a drop inline vo ltage resulting in loss of
power and overheating. If in doubt, use the
next h eavier g a uge. The smaller the gauge
number , the heavier the c ord.
Do not us e multiple cords.
The powerhead may h ave a polarized plu g
(one blade is wider than the other); if so, it will
require the use of a polarized extension cord.
The a ppliance plug w ill fit into a polarized ex-
tensioncordonlyoneway. Iftheplugdoes
not fit fully into th e e xtension cord, reverse the
plug. If the plug still does not fit, obtain a cor-
rect polarized extension cord. Apolarizedex-
tensio nco rdwill requ ir etheus eof apo lar ized
wa ll out let. This plug will fit in to the polariz ed
wall ou tlet only o ne way . If plug does not f it
fully into the wall outlet, reverse the plug . If it
still d oes not fit, contact a qua lified electrician
to install the prop er wall outlet. Do notchange
the equipmen t plug, extension cord recep-
tacle, or extension cord plug in a ny way.
Do notattempt torepairunit. Inspect theinsu-
lation and connectors on the powerhead and
extension cord be fore each use. If there is
any damage, do n ot use u ntil damage is re-
paired b y your authorized service dealer.
Do not pu ll or carry b y cord; do not use cord
as a han dle, close a dooron cord, or pull cord
around sharp edges o r corners. Ke ep cord
away from heatedsurfaces. Do notunplug by
pulling on co r d. To u nplug ,graspthe plug,not
the cord.
Do not use the powerhead if the switch does
not turn the unit on and of f properly . Have th e
unit repaire d by your authorizedservicedeal-
er .
Keep theexte nsion cord clearof operatorand
obstacles at a ll times. Donot expose cords t o
heat, oil, water, or sharp edges.
Avoid any b ody contact with a ny grounded
conductor , such as metal fences, or pipes, to
avoid the possibilit y of ele ctr ic shoc k. Don’t
handle plug or unit with w et hands.
Do n otuse with d amagedcordor plug. Ifpow-
erhead is not w orking as it sh ould, has been
dropped, damaged, left outdoors, o r dropped
into water , return it to your authorized service
for repair.
Ground F ault Circuit Interrupter (GFCI)
protection should be provided on th e circuit or
outlet to be used for the powerhead. Recep-
tacles are available having built-in GFCI
protection and may be used for this measure
of safe ty .
Your powerhead should be double insulated
tohelp protectagainstelectric shock. Double
insulation construction consists of two sepa-
rate “layers” of electrical insulation instead of
grounding. Tools and appliances built with a
double insulation system ar e not intended to
be grounded.Safety precautionsmust beob-
served when operating any electrical tool.
The double insulation system only provides
addedprotectionagainstinjury resultingfrom
an internal electrical insulation failure.
All repairs to an electric
powerhead,including housing,switch, motor,
ified service personnel. Replacement parts
tical to the parts they replace. A double insu-
lated appliance is marked with the words
“double insulation” or “double i nsulated”. The
(squarewithin a square) may a lso
be marked on the appliance. Failure to have
the unit repaired by your authorized service
dealer can cause t he double i nsulation con-
struction to become ineffective and result in
serious injury.
Disconnect powerhead
spark plug (or disconnect powerhead from
power source) before performing mainte-
Inspect entire unit before each use. Replace
damaged parts. Ch eck f or fuel leaks. Make
sure all fastene rs are in place a nd securely
Maintain un it according to re commen ded pro-
cedu r es.
Throw away blades that are bent, warped ,
cracked, broken, or damaged in any other
way. Replace parts tha t are cracked,
chipped, or da maged before u sing t he unit.
Use only recommended Poulan PRO
parts and ac cessories. Never use wire,
wire rope, string, flailing devices, etc.
Be sure blade s tops turning when engine
MENTS section of powerheadmanual).
Remove the blade before making carburetor
adjustments. H old the unit by hand. D o not
make carburetor adjustments from the blad e
side of the u n it.
Keep others a way when making carburetor
Never start the u nit with theclutch housingre-
moved . The clutch can fly off andcause seri-
ous injury.
Have all maintenance and service not ex-
plained in t his manua l performed byan a utho-
rized service dealer.
If b lade s trikes a foreign ob ject, fo llow t he se
steps: stop u nit and disconnect spark p lug
wire (or d isconnect from power source), in-
spect for dama ge, a nd r epair a ny damagebe-
fore resumin g operation of the unit.