-- 4 --
D Make sure the unit is properly assembled
and in good operating condition.
D Do not fill fuel tank while engine is hot or
D Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up fuelspills
before starting engine.
D Move atleast 10feet (3meters) away from
fuel and fueling site before starting engine.
D Always store gasoline in a container ap-
proved for flammable liquids.
WARNING: Stop the engine before
opening thevacuuminlet door .The enginemust
be stopped and the i mpeller blades no longer
turning to avoid serious inju ry from th e rotating
D Inspect unit before each u se for worn,
loose, missing, or damaged parts. Do not
use until unit is in proper working order.
D Keep outside surfaces free of oil and fuel.
D Never start or run engine inside a closed
room, building or other unventilated area.
Breathing exhaust fumes can kill.
D To avoid static electricity shock, do not
wear rubber gloves or any other insulated
gloves while operating unit.
D Do not set unit on any surface except a
clean, hard area while engine is running.
Debris such as gravel, sand, dust, grass,
thrown out through discharge opening,
injury to bystanders or operator .
D Avoiddangerousenvironments.Donotuse
in unventilated areas or where explosive
vapors or carbon monoxide build up could
be present.
D Do notoverreach oruse fromunstablesur-
faces suchas ladders,trees, steep slopes,
at all times.
D Never place objects inside the blower
tubes; always direct the blowing debris
objects such as trees, automobiles, walls,
sticks tobethrownor toricochetwhichcan
hurt people or animals, break glass, o r
cause other damage .
D Never run unit without the proper equipment
attached. When using your unit as a blower,
always install blower tubes. When using
your unit as a vacuum, always install vacu-
um tubes and vacuum bag assembly. Make
sure vacuum bag assembly is completely
D Check airintake opening,blower tubes,vac-
uum tubes, and elbow tube frequently, al-
ways with engine stopped and spark plug
disconnected. Keep vents and discharge
tubes free of debris which can accumulate
and restrict proper air flow .
D Never p lace any object i n the air intake
opening as this could restrict proper air flow
and cause damage to the unit.
D Never use for spreading chemicals, fertiliz-
ers, or other substances which may contain
toxic materials.
D To avoid spreading fire, do not use near leaf
orbrushfires,fireplaces, barbecue pits,ash-
trays, etc.
D Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
D Have all maintenance other than the rec-
ommendedprocedures describedin thein-
struction manual performed by an autho-
rized service dealer.
D Disconnect spark plug before performing
maintenance except for carburetor adjust-
D Use only recommended Poulan PRO re-
placement parts; use of any other parts
mayvoidyourwarrantyand causedamage
to your unit.
D Empty fuel tank before storing the unit. Use
upfuelleftincarburetor bystartingengineand
letting it run until it stops.
D Do not use any accessory or attachment
other than those recommended by manufac-
turer for use with your unit.
D Do notstorethe unitorfuelinaclosedarea
where fuel vapors can reach sparks or an
open flamefrom hotwater heaters, electric
motors or switches, furnaces, etc.
D Store ina dry area out of reach of children.
SPECIAL NOTICE: Exposure to vibra-
tions throughprolonged useof gasoline pow-
ered hand tools could cause blood vessel or
nerve damage in the fingers, hands, and
joints of people proneto circulation disorders
or abnormal swelling. Prolonged use in cold
weatherhas beenlinkedtobloodvesseldam-
agein otherwise healthypeople. Ifsymptoms
occur such a s numbness, pain, loss of
strength, change in skin color or texture, or
loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,
discontinue the use of this tool and seek
medical attention. An antivibration system
does not guarantee the avoidance of these
problems.Users who operatepower tools on
a continual and regular basis must m onitor
tion of this tool.
SPECIALNOTICE:For users on U.S. For-
est Land and in some states, including Cali-
fornia (Public Resources C odes 4442 and
Oregon, and Washington: Certain internal
combustion engines operated on forest,
areas are required to be e quipped with a
spark arresting screen, maintained in effec-
tiveworkingorder,ortheenginemust becon-
structed, equipped, and maintained for the
preventionof fire.Checkwith yourstate orlo-
cal authorities for regulations pertaining to
these requirements. Failure to follow these
requirements isaviolationofthelaw.Thisunit
is not factory equippedwitha spark arresting
screen; however,a spark a rresting screen is
availableasanoptionalpart.Ifaspark arrest-
ing screen is required in your a rea, contact
your authorized service dealerfor thecorrect
kit. Thespark arrestingscreen, blowertubes,
and nozzles must be assembled to unit to be
in full compliance with regula ti ons.