S Do not handle or operate a pruner when you
are fatigued, ill, or upset, or if you have taken
alcohol, drugs, or medication. You must b e in
good physical condition and mentally alert. If
you have any condition that might b e
aggravated by strenuous work, check with
doctor before operating a pruner .
S Carefully plan your pruning operation in
advance. Donotstartcuttinguntilyouhave
a clear work area, secure footing, and a
planned retreat path.
If situations occur which are not covered i n
this manual, use care and good judgm ent. If
service dealer or call 1- 800-554-67 23.
S Do not operate a pruner with one hand.
Serious injury to the operator, helpers,
bystanders or any combination of these
persons may result from one-handed
operation. A pruner is intended for
two-handed use.
S Operate the pruner only ina well-ventilated
outdoor area.
S Do not operate pruner from a ladder or in a
S Donotuseaprunertocut downtrees orany
portion of the tree trunk.
S Only use for pruning limbs or branches
overhead notgreater than4 inches (10cm)
in diameter.
S Neverstandunderthelimbyouarepruning.
Always position yourself out of the path of
falling deb ris.
S Donotcutsmallbrushandsaplings withthe
pruner . Slender matter may catch in the
chain and be whipped toward you, pulling
you of f balance.
S Make sure the chain will not make contact
with any object while starting the engine.
Never try to start the unit when the guide
bar is in a cut.
S Donotputpressureonthe prunerat theend
ofthecut.Applyingpressurecan causeyou
to lose control when the cut is completed.
S Do not run the unit at high speed when not
S If you strike or become entangled with a
foreign object, stop the engine im mediately
and check for damage. Have any dama ge
repaired by an authorized service dealer
before attempting further operations.
S Do not operate a p runer that is damaged,
improperly adjusted, or not completely a nd
securely assembled. Always replace ba r
and chain immediately if it becomes
damaged, broken oris otherwise removed.
S Always stop the unit when work is delayed
orwhenwalkingfromonecutting locationto
another. Stopthe enginebefore setting the
unit do wn.
S Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
S Use only for jobs explained in this manual
(or manuals for optional attachments).
S Have all service performed by a qualified
service dealer with the exception of the
items listed in the maintenance section of
this manual.
S Make certain the chain stops m oving when
the throttle trigger is released. For
correction, refer to CARBURETOR
S Never modify your unit in any way .
S Keep the handles d ry, clean, and free of oil
or fuel mixture.
S Keep fuel and oil caps, screws, and
fasteners securely tightened.
S Make carburetor adjustments with lower
end supported to prevent chain from
contacting any object.
S Keepothers away whenmakingcarburetor
S Use only Poulan PRO accessories and
replacement parts as recommended.
S Do not smoke while handling fuel or while
operating the pruner.
S Eliminate all sources of sparks or flame in
the areas where fuel is mixed or poured.
There should be no smoking, open flames,
or work that could cause sparks. Allow
engine to cool before refueling.
S Mixandpourfuelinanoutdoorarea onbare
ground; store fuel in a cool, dry , well
ventilated place; and use an approved,
marked container for all fuel purposes.
Wipeupallfuelspills beforestartingengine.
S Moveatleast10feet (3meters) fromfueling
site before starting engine.
S Turn the engine off and let unit cool in a
non-combustible area, not on dry leaves,
straw, paper, etc. Slowly remove fuel cap
and refuel unit.
S Store the unitand fuelin anarea wherefuel
vapors cannotreachsparks oropenflames
from water heaters, electric motors or
switches, furnaces, etc.
WARNING: Avoid kickback which
can result in serious injury. Kickback is the
backward, upward or sudden forward m otion
of the guide bar occurring when the chain
near the upper tip of the guide bar contacts
any object such as a log or branch, or when
the wood closes in and pinches the chain in
the cut. Contacting a foreign object in the
wood can also result in loss of control.
S Rotational Kickback can occur when the
moving chain contacts an object at the upper
tip of the guide bar. This contact can cause
the chain to dig into the object, which stops
the chain for an instant. The result is a
lightning fast, reversereactionwhich kicks the
guide bar up and back toward the operator .
S Pinch-Kickbackcanoccur whenthewood
closes in and pinches the moving chain in
thecutalongthetopoftheguidebar andthe
chain is suddenly stopped. This sudden
stopping ofthe chain results ina reversalof
the chain force used to cut wood and
causes the pruner to move in the opposite
directionof thechain rotation.The pruneris
driven straight back toward the operator .