S Keep the handles dry and clean and
free from oil and grease.
S Keep oil cap and fasteners securely
S Nonconformi ng r eplacement compo-
nents or the removal of saf et y devices
may cause damage t o the unit and pos-
sible injur y to t he operator or byst and-
ers. Use only P oulan a ccessories and
repl acement parts as recommended.
Never modify your saw.
S Maintain chain saw with care.
S Keep unit sharp and clean for better
and safer performance.
S Follow instructions for lubricating and
changing accessories.
S Unplug the chain saw from the power
source when not in use, before servic-
ing, and when chang ing accessories
and attachments, such as saw chain
and guard.
S Check for damaged par t s. Before fur-
ther use of the chain saw , a guard or
other part that is damaged should be
carefully checked to determine that it will
operate properly and perform its in-
tended functi on. Check for ali gnment of
moving parts, bi ndi ng of moving parts,
bre aka ge of part s, mount ing a n d any
other conditi ons that may affect its op-
erati on. A guard or other part t hat i s
damaged s hould be pr oper ly repai r ed
or r eplaced by an authori zed service
dealer unless other wi se indicated else-
where in t he instructi on manual.
S When not in use, c hain saws should
be s tored in a dry, high or locked-up
place out of the reach of children.
S When storing saw, unplug and use a
bar sheath or carrying case.
WARNING: Avoid a dangerous
environment. To reduce the risk of elec-
trical shock, do not use in rain, in damp
or wet locations, or around swimming
pools, hot tubs, etc. Do not expose to
snow,rain,orwaterto avoid the possibil-
ity ofelectrical shock. Do nothandle ex-
tension cord or plug with wet hands.
S Use a voltage supply as shown on the
nameplate of the unit.
S Avoid da ngerous situations. Do not
use in the presence of flammable liq-
uids orgases toavoid creatinga fireor
explosion and/or causing damage to
S To re duce the risk of electri cal s hock,
this appliance has a polar i zed pl ug (one
blade i s wi der t han the other )and wi l lre-
quir e t he use of a polarized ext ension
cord. The appliance plug will fit into a po-
lari zed extension cor d only one way. I f
the plug does not fit f ull y int o the exten-
sion cord , reverse the plug. I f the plug
stil l does not f i t , obtain a corr ect polar-
ized ext ension cord. A polar i zed exten-
sion cord wi ll requir e t he use of a p o lar-
ized wall outlet. This plug will fit into the
polari zed wall outl et only one way. If
plug does not f i t full y int o the wall out let ,
reverse the plug. If the plug sti l l does not
fit, contact a qualified electrician to install
the pr operwall outl et .Do notchangethe
equipment plug, extension cord recep-
tacle, or extensi on cord plug in any way.
S To reduce r i sk of el ect r ical shock, use
extension cords specifi call y marked as
suitable for outdoor appli ances. The
electr i cal rating of t he cord must not be
less than the rating of unit. The cord
must be marked with suff ix “W--A” (in
Canada, “W ”) . Use a polar ized cord.
Make sure your extension cord is in
good condi ti on . Inspect ext en sion cor d
before use and replace if damaged. Do
not use a damaged cord. Cord i nsula-
tion must be i nt act with no cracks or de-
teri or at i on. Pl ug connectors must be
undamaged. An und er sized extension
cord wi l l cause a drop in li ne voltage re-
sulti ngin l ossof pow erand overhe ati n g.
If i n doubt, use the next heavier gauge.
The lower t he gauge number, t he heavi-
er t he cor d (see
in the OPERA TION section) . Do
not use multiple cords.
S Do not abuse cord. Never carry the
unit by the extension cord or yank ex-
tension cord to disconnect unit.
S Secure extension cord to power cord
to prevent disconnection from unit.
S Do not use the unit if the switch does
not turn the unit on and off properly,or
ifthelockoutdo es notwork. Repairsto
the switch must be made by anautho-
rized service dealer.
S Keep extension cord clear of operator
and obstacles at all times. Position
cord so that it will not be caught on
branches. Do not expos e cords to
heat, oil, water, or sharp edges.
S To avoid the possibility of electric
shock, avoid body contact with any
grounded conductor, such as metal
fences or pipes.
S Ground Fault Circuit Int er r upter ( GFCI )
protect i on should be provi ded on cir cuit
or outlet to be used. Receptacles are
available having built-in GFCI protection
and may be used for t hi s measure of
safety. I nspect chain saw cords per i odi-
cally and if damaged, have repair ed by
an aut hori zed service dealer.