WARNING: Falling objects can
causesevereheadinjury. Wear headprotec-
tion when operatingthis unit with a pole prun-
er attachment.
WARNING: To prevent serious in jury ,
do not use more than one boom extension with
a pole pruner attachment.
WARNING: K eep the pruner away
from power lines or electrical wires.
S Only use for pruning limbs or branches
overhead up to 4 inches (10 cm) in diameter .
S Do not operate the unit faster than the
speed needed to prune. Do not run theunit
at high speed when not pruning.
S Always stop the unit when work is delayed
orwhenwalkingfromonecutting locationto
S If you strike or become entangled with a
foreign object, stop the engine im mediately
and check for damage. Have any dama ge
repaired by an authorized service dealer
before a ttempting further operations.
Discard blades that are bent, warped,
cracked or broken.
S Stoptheunit immediatelyif you feelexcessive
vibration. Vibration is asign of trouble.Inspect
thoroughly for loose nuts, bolts or damage
before continuing. Contact an authorized
service dealer for repair or replacement of
affected parts as necessary.
WARNING: Kee p hands and feet
away from t he rotor when starting or run ning
the engine. Never attempt to clear the rotor
with the engine/motor running. Stop engine
and disconnect spark plug before unclogging
snow or debris from discharge chute orwhen
adjusting vanes.
WARNING: Never lean over dis-
charge chute. Rocks or debris could be
thrownintothe eyes andfaceand causeseri-
ous injury or blindness.
WARNING: Inspect the area where
the unit is to be used. Remove objects that
could be thrown or damage the unit. Some
objects m ay be hidden by fallen snow -- be
alert for the possibility .
S Direct material discharge away from glass
enclosures, automobiles, etc.
S Do not run engine at high speed while not
removing snow .
S Be attentive when using the snowthrower ,
and stay alert for holes inthe terrain andother
hidden hazards.
S Make sure the rotor will spin freely before
attaching the snowthrower to the powerhead.
S Ifthe rotorwillnot rotatefreely duetofrozen
ice, thaw t he unit before t horoughly b efore
attempting to operate under power.
S Keep th e rotor clear of debris.
S Do not throw snow near other people. The
snow thrower could propel small objects at
high speed causing injury.
S After striking a foreign object, stop the
engine, disconnect spark plug a nd inspect
the snowthrower for damage and repair if
necessary before restarting unit.
S Never operate the snowthrower near glass
enclosures, automobiles and trucks.
S Never attempt to use thesnowthrower ona
S Never operate the snowthrower near
window wells, dropoffs, e tc.
S Never discharge snow ontopublic roads or
near moving traf fic.
S Clear snow from slopes by going up and
down; never across. Use caution when
steep slopes.
S Letsnowthrowerrun fora few minutes after
clearing snow so moving parts do not
S Look behind and use care when backing up.
Exercise caution to avoid slipping or falling,
especially when operating in reverse.
S Know how to stop quickly.