WARNING: Inspect the area to be
edged before each use. Remove objects
(rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which
can be thrown by the blade or can wrap
around the shaft.
WARNING: Blade rotates m omen -
tarily after the tr igger is r eleased or engine is
turned of f. Theblade can seriously cut you or
others.Allow bladeto stop before removingit
from the cut.
S Throw a way blades t hat are bent, warped,
cracked, broken or damaged in any other
way. Replace parts that are cracked,
chipped, or damaged before using the unit.
S Do not attempt to remove cu t materia l nor
hold material to be cut when the engine is
running or when cutting blade is moving.
S Always ke ep th e wheel and depth adjust ing
skid in cont act with the ground.
S Always push the unit slowly over the
ground. Stay alert for uneven sidewalks,
holes in the terrain, large r oots, etc.
WARNING: Inspect a rea before
starting unit. Remove all debris and hard ob-
jects such as rocks,glass, wire, etc. that can
ricochet, bethrown,or otherwisecauseinjury
or damage during operation.
S Do no t s et un it o nany surfaceexce pt acl ean,
hard area while engine is running. Debris
such as gravel, sand, d ust, grass, etc., could
be picked up by the air in take an d thrown out
through discharge opening, damaging unit,
property, or causing ser ious injury to
bystanders or operator .
S Neve r place objects inside the blowe r tubes,
vacuum tubes or blow er outlet. Always direct
the blowi ng debri s awa y from people,
animals, glass, and solid objects such as
trees, a utomobiles, walls, et c. The f orceof air
can ca u serocks, dirt , or s ti cks tobe thrownor
to r icochet which can hurt p eople or animals,
break glass, o r cause other damage.
S Never run unit without the proper
equipment attached. When using your unit
as a blower , always inst all blower tubes.
S Check air intake opening, blower tubes or
vacuum tubes frequently, always with
engine stopped and spark plug
disconnected. Keep vents and discharge
tubes free of debris which can accum ulate
and restrict proper air flow.
S Neve r place an y obj ect in air intake o pening
as this co uld restri ct proper air flow a nd cause
damage to t he unit.
S Neve r u se for spreading chemicals, f ertilize rs,
or ot her substances w hich may contain t oxic
S Toavoidspreadingfi re, donotusenear leaf or
brush fires, fireplaces, barbecue pits,
ashtr ays, e tc.
DANGE R: Blade can thrust violently
away from material it does not cut. Blade
thrust can cause amputation of arms or legs.
WARNING: Do notuse trimmerhead
as a fastening device for the blade.
WARNING: The blade continues to
spin after the trigger is released or engine is
turned off. The coasting blade can throw ob-
jects or seriously cut you if accidentally
touched. Stop theblade by contacting the left
hand side of the coasting blade wi th material
already cut.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
cut before each use. Remove objects (rocks,
broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which can be
thrown or become entangled in t he blade or
trimmer line.