S Never start or run the engine inside a
closed room or building. B reathing exhaust
fumes can kill.
S Keep handles f ree of oil and fuel.
S Always use the handlebar and a properly
adjusted shoulder strap with a blade (see
WARNING: Stop unitanddisconnect
the spark plug before performing mainte-
nance (except carburetor adjustments).
S Look for and replace damaged or loose
parts before each use. Look for and repair
fuel leaks before use. Keep unit in good
working condition.
S Throw away blades that are bent, warped,
cracked, broken, or damaged in any other
way. Replace trimmer head parts that are
cracked, chipped, broken, or damaged in
any other way before using the unit.
S Maintain un it according to recommended
procedures. K ee p blade sharp. Keep cut-
ting line at the proper length.
S Use only 0.080″ (2 mm) diameter Weed
Eater® brand replacement line. Never use
wire, rope, string, et c.
S Install required shield properly before using
the unit. Use the metal shield for all metal
blade use. Use the plastic shield for all line
trimmer use.
S Use only specified blade or trimmer head;
make sure it is properly installed and se-
curely fastened.
S Never start engine with clutch shroud re-
moved. Theclutch canfly off andcause se-
rious injury .
S Besurebladeor trimm erheadstops t urning
when engine idles.
S Make carburetor adjustments with the low-
er end supported to prevent blade or trim-
mer line from contacting any object. Hold
unit by hand; do not use the shoulder strap
for support.
S Keep others away when makingcarburetor
S Use only recommended W eed Eate rr ac-
cessories and replacement parts.
S Have all m aintenance and service not ex-
plained in this manual performed by your au-
thorized service dealer .
S Mix and pour fuel outdoors.
S Keep away from sparks or flames.
S Use a container approved for fuel.
S Do not smoke or allow smoking nearfuel or
the unit or while using t he unit.
S Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up all fuel
spills before starting engine.
S Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from
fueling site before starting engine.
S Stop engine and allow it to cool before re-
moving fuel cap.
S Empty the fuel tank before storing or trans-
porting the unit. Use up fue l left in the car-
buretor by starting the engine and letting it
run until it stops.
S Store unit and fuel in area where fuel vapors
cannot reach sparks o r open flames from
water heaters, electric motors or switches,
furnaces, etc.
S Always store gasoline in a container ap-
proved for flammable liquids.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
cut before each use. Remove objects (rocks,
broken glass, nails, wire, string, etc.) which
can be t hrown or become entangled in the
blade or trimmer head.
S Keep others including children, anim als,
bystanders, andhelpers at least50 feet ( 15
meters) away. Stop engine immediately if
you are approached.
S Always keep engine onthe right--hand side
of your body.
S Hold the unit firmly with bot h hands.
S Keep firmfooting andbalance.Do notover-
S Keep blade or trimmer head below waist
level. Do n ot r ai se en gin e ab ove you r waist .
S Keep all parts of your body away fr om
blade, trimm er head, and muffler when en-
gineis running. Ahot mufflercan causese-
rious burns.
S Cut from your left to your right. Cutting on
right side of the shield will throw debris
away from the operator .
S Use only in daylight or good artificial light.
S Use only for jobs explained in this manual.
S Stop the unit before carrying.
S Keep muffler away from your body.
S Allow theengine to cool andsecure theunit
before storing or transporting itin avehicle.
S Empty the fuel tank before storing or trans-
porting theunit.Use upfuel leftinthe carbu-
retor by starting the engineand letting itrun
until it stops.
S Store unit so the blade or line limiter blade
cannot accidentally cause injury. The unit
can be hung by the shaft.
S Store unit out of reach of children.
SAFETY NOTICE: Exposure to vibratio ns
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause blood vessel or nerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disorders or abnor-
mal swellings. Prolonged use in cold weather
has been linked to blood vessel damage in
otherwise healthy people. If sympto ms occur
such as numbness, pain, loss of strength,
change in skin color or texture, or loss o f feeling
in the fingers, hands, or joints, discontinue the
use of this tool and seek medical attention. An
anti--vibration system does not guarantee the
avoidance o f these problems. Users who oper-
ate power tools on a continual and regular basis
must monitor closely their physical condition
and th e condi tion o f th is tool.
SPECIAL NOTICE: This unit is equipped
with a temperature limiting muffler and spark
arresting screen which meets the require-
ments ofCalifornia C odes4442 and4443. All
U.S. forest land and the states of California,
Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ore-
gon, and Washington require by law that
many internal combustion engines be