IMPORTANT: Deck must be level side-
to-side. If the following front-to-back
ad just ment is necessary, be sure to adjust
both front links equally so mower will stay
level side-to-side.
To obtain the best cutting re sults, the
mower blades should be adjusted so the
front tip is ap prox i mate ly 1/8" to 1/2" lower
than the rear tip when the mower is in its
highest position.
CAUTION: Blades are sharp. Protect
your hands with gloves and/or wrap blade
with heavy cloth.
Check adjustment on right side of trac tor.
Position any blade so the tip is pointing
straight forward. Measure distance "B" at
front and rear tip of blade
• Before making any necessary ad just -
ments, check that both front plate links
are equal in length.
• If links are not equal in length, adjust
one link to same length as other link.
• To lower front of blade, loosen nut “C”
on both front links an equal number of
NOTE: Each full turn of nut “C” will
change distance “B” by approximately
• When distance “B” is 1/8" to 1/2" lower
at front than rear, tighten nut “D” against
trunnion on both front links.
• To raise front of blade, loosen nut
“D” from trunnion on both front links.
Tighten nut “C” on both front links an
equal number of turns. The two front
links must remain equal in length.
• When distance “B” is 1/8" to 1/2" lower
at front than rear, tighten nut “D” against
trunnion on both front links.
• Recheck side-to-side adjustment.
Bottom Edge of
Mower to Ground
Bottom Edge of
Mower to Ground
Adjust the mower while tractor is parked
on level ground or driveway. Make sure
tires are properly infl ated (See “PROD-
UCT SPECIFICATIONS” section of this
manual). If tires are over or underinfl ated,
you will not properly adjust your mower.
• Raise mower to its highest position.
• Measure height from bottom edge of
mower to ground level at front cor ners
of mower. Distance “A” on both sides of
mower should be the same.
• If adjustment is necessary, make adjust-
ment on one side of mower only.
• To raise one side of mower, tighten lift
link ad just ment nut on that side.
• To lower one side of mower, loosen lift
link ad just ment nut on that side.
NOTE: Each full turn of adjustment nut
will change mower height about 3/16".
• Recheck measurements after ad just ing.
9. Position front plate assembly between
front mower brackets. Raise deck and
plate assembly to align holes and
insert fl anged pins. Secure pins with
double loop retainer springs between
the plate assembly and mower brack-
NOTE: To assist in locating hole in fl anged
pin, the hole in pin is inline with notch on
head of pin. If necessary, move mower
side-to-side to give space between plate
and mower brackets.
IMPORTANT: Check belt for proper rout-
ing in all mower pulley grooves.
10.Engage belt tension rod by pushing
rod into locking bracket.
CAUTION: Belt tension rod is spring
loaded. Have a tight grip on rod and en-
gage slowly.
11.Connect anti-sway bar to chassis
bracket under left foot rest and retain
with double loop retainer spring.
12.If equipped, turn height adjustment
knob clock wise to remove slack from
mower sus pen sion.
13.Raise deck to highest position.
Lift Link
Adjustment Nut