It is recommended that the engine not be
operated for longer than 1 minute at full
Cut from your right to your left.
Eye protection
Long pants
Heavy shoes
WARNING: Alwaysweareyeprotec-
tion. Never lean over the trimmer head.
Rocks o rdebriscanricochetorbethrowninto
eyes and face and cause blindness or other
serious injury .
Do not run the engine at a higher speed than
necessary . The cutti ng line wi ll cut efficientl y
when the engine is run at less than full throttle.
At lower speeds, there is less engine noise and
vibration. The cutting line will last longer andwill
be less likely to “weld” onto the spool.
Always release the throttle trigger and allow the
engine to return to idle speed when not cutting.
To stop e ngine:
S Release the throttle trigger.
S Push and hold the STOP switch in the
STOP position until the engine stops.
Thet rimmerlinewilladvanceapproximately2
inches (5 cm) each time the bottom of the
engine running at full throttle.
The m ost efficient line length is the maximum
length allowed b y the line limiter.Always keep
the shield in place when the tool is being oper-
To advance line:
S Operate the engine at full throttle.
S Holdthetrimmerheadparalleltoandabove
the grassy area.
S Tap the bottom of the trimmer head lightly
on the ground one time. Approximately 2
inches (5 cm) of line will be advanced with
each tap.
Always tap the trimmer head on a grassy
area. Tapping on surfaces such as concrete
or asphalt can cause excessive wear to the
trimmer head.
If the line is worn down to 2 inches (5 cm) or
less,morethan onetapwillberequiredtoob-
tain the most efficient line length.
WARNING: Use only 0.080″ (2mm)
diameter line. Other sizes of line will not ad-
vanceproperly andwillresultin im propercut-
tingheadfunctionorcancauseseriousinjury .
Do not use other materials such as wire,
string, rope, etc. Wire can b reak off during
cutting andbecome adangerous missile that
can cause serious injury .
WARNING: Use minimum speed
hard objects (rock, gravel, fence posts,etc.),
entangled in the line, or be thrown causing a
serious hazard.
S Thetip of the line does the cutting. Youwill
achieve t he best performance and mini-
mumline wearby notcrowding theline into
the cutting area. The right andwrongways
are shown below.
Tip of the Line
Does The Cutting
Right Wrong
Line Crowded Into
Work Area
S The line will easily remove grass and
flower beds, but it also can cut the tender
bark oftrees orshrubs andscar fences. To
help avoid damage especially t o delicate
vegetation or trees with tender bark,
shorten line to 4--5 inches (10--13 cm) and
use at less than full throttle.
S For trimming or scalping, use less than full
throttle to increase line life and decrease
head wear, especially:
S During light duty cutting.
S Near objects around which the line can
wrap such as small posts, trees or fence
S Formowingorsweeping,usefullthrottlefor
a good clean job.
TRIMMING -- Hold the bottomof the trim mer
headabout 3inches (8cm)abovetheground
make contact. Do not force trimmer line into
work area.
3 inches (8 cm)
above ground
SCALPING -- The scalping technique re-
moves unwanted vegetationdown to the
ground. Hold the bottom of the trimmer head
about 3 inches (8 cm) above the ground and
groundaroundtrees, posts, monuments,etc.
This technique increases line wear.