34 Troubleshooting
1. If you are having trouble making the image cover the
entire label, first make sure the image is printing at least as
big as the label size you have selected. To accomplish this
using Nice Label, make the image a few millimeters larger
than the label by dragging the image over the edge of the
label on all sides. The bounding box around the image will
turn red when it is over the edge of the label. Try printing
again to see if it covers the entire label. If not, move on to
step two.
2. Adjust these settings in the printer driver preferences:
Page Size. Increase the page size width in the driver
preferences by .1 inches. Increase the height by .1 inches.
If you are using Nice Label, simply change the size under
the File Menu - Label Setup. Increase the size of the image
to fit the new larger page size. If you are using other
graphics programs you will need to change the page size in
the application and in the printer driver preferences.
Left Margin Offset. Decrease the Left margin offset by half
the increase of the page size width. In this case you would
decrease the value by 12 (which corresponds to .05 inches).
This will center the page size increase so there is a .05 inch
over bleed on both left and right sides.
TOF. Decrease the Top of form by 10. This will cause the
printer to start printing before the label and ensure a fully
printed label.
Note: It is best to over bleed as little as possible to avoid excess ink on the
label backing. Also, over bleeding too much will cause the printer to
skip labels. This is because the printer stops printing too late to sense
the next label.
Actual Label Stock
Size = 2” x 2”
Over Bleed Page Size
2.1” x 2.1” (.1 Inch)
Decrease TOF by 10
Decrease Left Margin
Offset by 12
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