40 PI-MTE System Manual Version 4.C
Figure 9. Example of WinView Data Acquired from First Light Procedure
Because the time to acquire and read out an image varies directly with the size of the
CCD, the observed frame rate will vary greatly depending on the CCD installed. With a
short exposure time, it is not uncommon for the frame readout time to be significantly
longer than the exposure time.
This completes First Light. If the system functioned as described, you can be reasonably
sure it has arrived in good working order. In addition, you should have a basic
understanding of how the system hardware is used. A recommended procedure for
powering down the camera is provided in the next section.
After you have powered down the camera system, you can then prepare the camera for
installation in a vacuum chamber. Please follow the instructions provided in "Replacing
the Visible Nose with the Open Nose" on page 91.
Powering Down Procedure
To prevent condensation damage to the camera, it is recommended that camera warm-up
be carefully controlled. Proper warm-up of the camera after operation at temperatures
below ambient is performed as follows.
1. Set the circulator’s refrigeration On/Off switch to OFF.
2. While running WinView, gradually bring the camera temperature up in 10°C steps
from its current lock temperature to ambient temperature. To accomplish this, open
the Detector Temperature dialog box, set the target temperature to 10°C above the
current lock temperature, wait until lock is reached, and then raise it again in 10°C
steps until ambient temperature is reached.
3. After ambient temperature is reached, close WinView and then set the ST-133
Controller’s Power switch to OFF. This will turn off the camera.
4. Set the circulator’s main power switch to OFF.