
Supplemental Instructions
for TS-428DC
Tungsten-Halogen Light Source
The TS-428DC is a 250 watt tungsten-halogen light source powered by an adjustable
regulated DC power supply. The lamp is rated for 250 watts at 24 volts. Refer to the
TS-428 instruction manual for mounting the source housing into the Acton monochromator.
Refer to the enclosed OEM instruction manual for operation of the DC power supply and
delete the section in the TS-428 instruction manual referring to the standard issue power
supply. Connect the power cable supplied with the TS-428DC between the lamp housing
land the circular connector on the rear panel of the DC power supply. Adjust the current
limit to the maximum on the power supply and use the voltage control of the power supply
to adjust the intensity of the lamp. When the power switch to the DC power supply is turned
on, the fan in the lamp housing will turn on simultaneously.