
Setup Menu Summaries
(Two Beeps)
___ Mode: Test, ANSI X3.64, Epson*, Bar Codes, Proprinter,
_ LA-120, TTY, Printek, Barberpole, or Hex Dump
___ I/O: Parallel*, Serial, or CX/TX †
___ Baud Rate: 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600*, or 19200 †
___ Data Bits: 7 or 8*
___ Parity: None*, Ignore, Odd, or Even †
___ Busy: Low* or High †
___ DTR: Power*, Online, or Busy †
___ XON/XOFF: Off* or On †
___ ETX/ACK: Off* or On †
___ Auto CR: Off* or On
___ Auto LF: Off* or On
___ Long Line: Wrap* or Trunc
___ Left Edge: Fixed or Float*
___ FF at TOF: Yes* or No
___ Scroll Delay: 1* or 0 through 15
___ Fault: Break Pg*, or Reprint Pg
___ Page Size: 256* or 512 through 28160 †
___ Chars: Control* or Printable
(Three Beeps)
___ Max Form #: 0 through 9
___ Ribbon Check: On*, Off
___ Ribbon Life: 23*, or 5 through 30
___ Paper Cutter: Yes or No*
___ Imager: Yes or No*
___ Translation: Off* or On †
___ Free Format: Off* or On †
___ Terminator: LF* or CR †
___ Ignore Char: Off* or On †
___ Zero: Normal or Slashed* †
___ Ignore Col 1: Yes or No* †
___ Control Char: ^*, ~, !, ?, ;, ', |, or \ †
___ Bar Codes: Lo-Res, Med-Res, Hi-Res* †
(Four Beeps)
___ Forms: Edit*, View, or Init
___ Interface: Edit*, View, or Init
___ Options: Edit*, View, or Init
___ Clone: Off*, Transmit, Receive
* Indicates the factory default setting.
Indicates a menu function and/or value which may not be available unless the appropriate option is
installed, or selected, in the printer.