Advanced Configuration AP-4000/4000M/4900M User Guide
• Syslog Lowest Priority Logged: The AP will send event messages to the Syslog server that correspond to the
selected priority number and any priority numbers below it. For example, if set to 6, the AP will transmit event
messages labeled priority 1 to 6 to the Syslog server. This parameter supports a range between 1 and 7; 6 is the
• Syslog Heartbeat Status: When Heartbeat is enabled, the AP periodically sends a message to the Syslog server to
indicate that it is active.
• Syslog Heartbeat Interval: If Syslog Heartbeat Status is enabled this field provides the interval for the heartbeat in
seconds (between 1 and 604800). The default is 900 seconds.
• Syslog Host Table: This table specifies the IP addresses of a network servers that the AP will send Syslog messages
to. Click Add to create a new entry. Click Edit to change an existing entry. Each entry contains the following field:
– IP Address: Enter the IP Address for the management host.
– Comment: Enter an optional comment such as the host name.
– Status: The entry is enabled automatically when saved (so the Status field is only visible when editing an entry).
You can also disable or delete entries by changing this field’s value.
Syslog Messages
The following messages are supported in the AP:
Syslog Message Name Priority Severity Description
Auto Configuration using DHCP 6 Informational Configuration filename and TFTP server address
are obtained from DHCP when dynamic IP is
configured on the device.
Auto Configuration using Static IP 6 Informational Configured TFTP server address and configuration
filename is used when Static IP is configured on
the device.
TFTP Server IP and configuration
filename not present in DHCP
4 Minor Configuration filename and/or TFTP server
address is not present in the DHCP response when
using DHCP.
TFTP Server IP Address used in
AutoConfig feature
6 Informational TFTP server IP address used for AutoConfig.
TFTP Server filename used in
AutoConfig feature
6 Informational TFTP filename used for AutoConfig.
Auto Configuration TFTP
Download Failure
4 Minor TFTP download of a configuration file for
AutoConfig fails for the following reasons:
• Incorrect or non-reachable TFTP server
• Incorrect or unavailable configuration
• TFTP transfer timeout.
Image Compatibility Check,
Invalid Image
2 Major One of the following failures occurs:
• Invalid Signature
• Zero File Size
• Large File
• Non VxWork Image
• Incompatible Image
AP Heartbeat Status 5 Informational AP syslog keep alive message.