
Public Space Parameters
16. Edit the subscriber messages as necessary.
Thank you for your business
We are verifying your account. Please wait
This message appears if RADIUS is enabled. The AP displays this page while it wait for an authentication
response from the RADIUS server.
You will be purchasing Internet access with these options
This message appears on the final credit card purchase screen before the customer is directed to the
credit card service provider.
Some messages only appear when certain features are enabled.
17. Click OK.
18. Click the Error Msgs 1 tab.
19. Edit the error messages as necessary. The AP will display one of these error messages to the subscriber if a
problem occurs during the login process.
Access point blocked subscriber access
Access to this document requires a password
An error has occurred
You received a challenge from your Internet Service Provider
This field must contain a number between these two values
No Billing options are available
Internet Service is not available right now. Try again later
The password fields you have entered do not match. Please try again
The password field you have entered is not correct. Please try again
20. Click OK.
21. Click the Error Msgs 2 tab.
22. Edit the error messages as necessary. The AP will display one of these error messages to the subscriber if a
problem occurs during the login process.
Too many subscribers are already logged in. Please try again later
Try again
The User ID you have entered cannot be found. Please try another
The User ID you have entered is already taken. Please try another
We are sorry
This field must contain a whole number value, with no decimals
Your account was not found. Please check your User name and Password
23. Click OK.
24. Reboot the AP.
Enabling Cookie Support
The AP can store an encrypted login cookie in the subscriber’s browser to facilitate future logins.
When enabled, the AP stores a cookie in the subscriber’s browser when the customer selects the Remember my
username and password option during login. The next time the customer connects to the network, the cookie
contains all of the necessary login information so the customer is automatically logged in without having to re-enter his
user name and password.
Follow these steps if you want to provide cookie support to your subscribers:
1. Login to the AP’s Web browser interface.
2. Click Subscriber > Messages > Login Msgs.
3. Place a check mark in the Enable “Remember Me” option.