Tsunami MP.11 Antenna Installation
Copyright © 2006 Proxim Wireless Corporation. All rights reserved. 36
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If you are having a problem using a Proxim product and cannot resolve it with the information in the product
documentation, gather the following information and contact Proxim Technical Support:
• What kind of network are you using?
• What were you doing when the error occurred?
• What error message did you see?
• Can you reproduce the problem?
Be sure to obtain an RMA number before sending any equipment to Proxim for repair.
To receive E-mail technical support, be sure to include the serial number of the product(s) in question. The serial
number should be on the product and conform to the following format: ##AT######## or ##UT######## or
##R7########. We are unable to respond to your inquiry without this information.
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1-866-674-6626 or
Hours: 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM M-F Pacific Time
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1-866-674-6626 Hours: 24x7
International Customers
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WAN 408-542-5390
Hours: 6:00 AM to 5:00 PM M-F Pacific Time
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