Example #2 - CobraNet X-over mode:
This is the simplest connection you can make between the RAVE 522aa and any of the other RAVE/BASIS models. You use a CAT-5
crossover cable connected between the CobraNet ports of each unit. No network switch is required. This connection allows audio to
pass between the two RAVE/BASIS units over CobraNet.
Combining example 1 and 2 lets you setup one unit at a time, much as you would have to do using a point-to-point RS232 connection,
while passing audio between them, all without a network switch. However, you would have to physically connect your computer first
to one unit, and then to the other. With this elementary connection you don't have a true network. It is like making RS-232 connec-
tions - except that performance is better.
All the other examples are of proper networks and all require a network switch. On a proper network, you have direct access to all
units all of the time without having to physically switch between them. You still get the great performance of TCP/IP over Ethernet.
(And we believe QSC's advanced networking software provides the best performance of any networked audio control system avail-
able today including Ethernet based systems from competitors.)