
more than doubles the output power
and thermal capacity of our previous 2RU
designs, but it looks and sounds “linear,”
whether on the bench or driving speakers.
Rigorous testing and precise alignment of
feedback networks produce stable closed-
loop response.
The modulator converts analog input sig-
nals into varying on-off ratios – the PL380
amplifi er’s responds in under 5 nanosec-
onds. A crystal controlled, synchronized
power supply and Class D clocks prevent
interference between power stages.
Our new Class D switching section uses a
single pair of industrial strength devices that
easily handle kilowatts of energy without
extra complexity. Our painstakingly refi ned
PCB design controls high frequency cur-
rents to prevent internal interference. A
proprietary dynamic current limiter monitors
power stress in the output devices, deliver-
ing the maximum power possible within
safe operating limits.
Output fi ltering is another key to ultimate
audio performance. Proprietary winding
techniques pack more copper on a smaller
coil, for better effi ciency and lower distortion.
Ultimate Real-World Headroom
If you’ve been up on the riser ringing out
drum monitors, or out at FOH aligning the
subs with the mains, you know that head-
room is not measured by instantaneous
peak power ratings. It’s the ability of the
entire amplifi er, from power supply to output
devices, to produce high voltages and cur-
rents for extended periods of time. Power-
Light 3 Series amplifi ers go head-to-head
with products claiming much higher output.
Ultimate System Compatibility
Zero Signal Latency
Of course the PowerLight 3 Series has
DSP options. But none of them impose a
latency penalty inside the amplifi er. There’s
no other way to ensure compatibility with
other amplifi ers; no other way to avoid
compromising signal alignment in multi-way
sound systems.
Flexible System Architecture
Choices: they’re what the PowerLight 3
Series is all about. Upgrade analog racks and
monitor them on stage. Go all the way to
fully networked digital signal distribution and
processing with remote system manage-
ment. Combine elements of both approach-
es. It’s your decision, as it should be.
Ultimate Ruggedness
The real art of amplifi er design is deliver-
ing ultimate power output while protecting
the entire system. Like all QSC designs,
PowerLight 3 Series amplifi ers had to pass
every one of our electrical and mechanical
stress tests – so tough, we’ve never found
another amplifi er brand that has survived
the full test cycle.