We do not expect you to have any problems with your phone, but if you do, the follow-
ing suggestions might help.
If you still have problems, disconnect the phone. If other phones on the same line work
properly, the fault is in this phone or its installation. If you cannot find the problem, take
your phone to your local RadioShack store for assistance.
Problem Su
The phone does not work or
works poorly.
Be sure
is set properly.
Ensure the phone line is properly connected.
If you are using an optional AC adapter, ensure
it is properly connected. See “Connecting an
Optional AC Adapter” on Page 8.
Memory does not hold pro-
grammed numbers.
Replace the batteries (see “Testing/Replacing
the Batteries” on Page 5).
The party on the phone can-
not hear you, but you can hear
Check the PRIVACY indicator. If the light is on,
so it is off.
The telephone’s volume level
drops or it begins to make
strange sounds.
Check to see if other phones on the same line
have been picked up. This phone might not
operate when other phones are active on the
same line (especially in areas with low tele-
phone voltage). Hang up the other phones.
If you are using an optional AC adapter, ensure
it is properly connected. See “Connecting an
Optional AC Adapter” on Page 8.
43-637.fm Page 14 Friday, August 13, 1999 10:45 AM