Beyond the Basics
advanced scanner features
In this section of the user’s guide, you will discover the
wide variety of features that make your scanner fl exible and
powerful. As you master these features, you will enhance the
value and enjoyment of owning your scanner.
channel storage banks
To make it easier to identify and select the channels you want
to listen to, you can assign channels to up to 10 channel-
storage banks. Each bank has 100 channels. Use each
channel-storage bank to group frequencies, such as those for
the police department, fi re department, ambulance services,
or aircraft. For example, the police department might use
four frequencies in your town while the fi re department
uses an additional four. You could program the four police
frequencies starting with Channel 1 (the fi rst channel in bank
1), and program the fi re department frequencies starting with
Channel 101 (the fi rst channel in bank 2).
storing known frequencies into channels
You can locate and store specifi c frequencies into channels
for later use. Frequencies are widely available on the
Internet and from the FCC. To assist you in locating a desired
frequency from the scanner’s wide range, consider using a
frequency guide. Excellent references for active frequencies
are the RadioShack Police Call Guide, including Fire and
Emergency Services, and the Offi cial Aeronautical Frequency
Directory. We update these directories every year, so be sure
to get a current copy.
Follow these steps to store frequencies into channels.
1. Press FUNC + PGM. PRIVATE and PGM appear.