
Group attenuation levels
page. This has the same
action as controlling from
optional SR 1L Remote(s).
Group Lvls G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6
Zero All -20 -10 0 Off 0 -6
Groups G1 through G6 and MST may be
attenuated 0 dB to -29 dB or set to Off.
When Zero All is selected, pressing EXE
sets all Group attenutation levels to 0 dB.
Figure 3. Group Levels Edit Page
Remote to Group
Page, where Remotes
are assigned to 1 of 7
Groups, or Off.
Rmt->Grp R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6
Copy G1 Off G6 G4 G3 G2
Remotes R1 through R7 may be assigned
to 1 of 6 Output Groups, Master, or Off.
Copy parameters of current page to clipboard.
Paste contents of clipboard to current page.
Recall[n] loads current page parameters from
Memory[n], where [n]=Memory number.
Figure 5. Remote to Group Assign Page
allows SR 1L remotes to independently control the level of up
to six Zones while allowing one or more Master Remotes to
control the level of all Zones.
Group Level parameters are independent of mix Input
level and Output Master level. Group Levels are not affected
by Memory changes. See the APPLICATIONS section for
more discussion on fully utilizing Group functionality.
SR 1L Remote Controls & Remote Interface Port
The SRM 66 provides a Remote Interface Port (RIP)
which supports up to seven optional SR 1L “Smart” digital
Remote controls as seen in Figure 6. The SR 1L has 31 LEDs
to indicate the Group’s current attenuation setting of 0 to 29
dB in 1 dB steps, the last step is OFF. It is designed to mount
in a standard U.S. electrical box with a minimum depth of 2-
¼ inches, and can be covered with a standard Decora
cover. (Decora is a registered trademark of Leviton)
Each SR 1L Remote must have a unique address (1-7).
Any of the possible seven (7) Remotes may be assigned to
any one of the six (6) possible Output Groups, to the Master
Group or set to off. See the Remote to Group Assign page in
Figure 5. If a Groups level is altered by one of the SRM 66s
Group Level controls (Fig. 3), then every Remote assigned to
that Group is updated to reflect the new setting. If a Group
Level is adjusted by a Remote, then the SRM 66’s Group
Level page is updated to reflect the new setting.
Each of the 24 Memories stored in the SRM 66 may have
unique assignments for Output to Group, Group to Master
Remote and Remote to Group parameters. This allows for
very flexible room combining applications and system
SR 1L Wiring
The SR 1L Remote interface is a powered, half duplex,
(RS-485) party line system (BYOB). Five wires are required
to connect an SR 1L to the SRM 66’s RIP (Remote Interface
Port [see Figure 7, next page]). Each connection must be
wired. Up to six SR 1Ls can be wired in any combination of
daisy chain (series) or star configurations for a total cable
length of up to 1000 feet (305 meters), assuming the use of
any good quality Category 5 (standard Ethernet) cable.
Engage the RT (termination switch) only on the SR 1L
farthest away from the SRM 66. Hook the Shield connection
to the cable’s shield for best emission suppression. The loop
in the metal at the back of the SR 1L is provided for a cable
To lock out SR 1L level changes yet still display the
proper settings, disable the encoder by connecting the
ENCODER LOCK terminal to the V– terminal. Use a key
switch, relay, or any old thing that passes electrons such as a
Tesla coil.
Figure 6. SR 1L Remote Control
Group to Master Remote
page allows any group to
be assigned to the Master
Grp-> Mstr Rmt G1 G2 G3 G4 G5 G6
Copy On Off Off Off On Off
Groups G1 through G6 may be set
Master Remote assign On or Off.
Figure 4. Group to Master Remote Assign Page