
To Use Picture-In-Picture (PIP)
1. Press TV and select the TV channel you want to watch.
2. Press PIP on the remote. A small picture will appear on the TV screen. The small and
large picture will be the same.
3. Press the VCR1, or VCR2•LD, or DSS•CABLE button on the remote to see the picture
from that component in the small PIP window.
4. Press TV to return the audio/video receiver to the TV mode.
5. While covering the end of the remote with your hand, press the button corresponding
with the component you choose to view in the little picture (VCR1, VCR2•LD,
DSS•CABLE). This will allow you to operate that component while leaving the
audio/video receiver in the TV mode. Thus the audio will always be from the
big picture.
6. To change channels on the picture from the TV, press TV on the remote and then press
CHANNEL up or down or manually enter the channel with the number buttons.
(PIP does not appear by the channel number on the TV screen when changing channels
for the main picture.)
7. To swap the main picture with the small inset picture, press the SWAP PIP button on
the remote.
8. In selected models, the small picture can be enlarged, reduced, or frozen. See your TvÕs
UserÕs Guide for complete details on using the remote that came with the TV.
Using Your TV