Make sure to place the leads of the matching
transformer between the two washers on
each post as shown here.
Step 6: Insert end caps
Insert the plastic end caps in the ends of the
booms as shown here. Use a rubber mallet to
gently tap them into the antenna booms to
secure them.
Step 7: Attach the mounting pipe to the foot
holes on the sides for screws. Insert
this end into the middle of the foot as
illustrated here. Then insert the 2-1/2”
screw through the foot and pipe as shown.
screw to hold the pipe and foot together.
Don’t tighten the nut completely yet.
the bottom of the pipe. Raise the pipe
slightly and insert a 5/8” bolt through
these holes and out of the side of the
foot. Install the nuts on the outside
of the foot on the 5/8” bolts to hold
the pipe in place. Don’t tighten the nuts
completely yet.
2 1/2”
Hex nut on
5/8” bolt