RCA Service Numbers
We’ll be there!
A GE consumer service professional
will provide expert repair service,
scheduled at a time that’s conve-
nient for you. Many GE Consumer
Service company-operated loca-
tions offer you service today or
tomorrow, or at your convenience
(7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. weekdays,
9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturdays).
Our factory-trained technicians
know your appliance inside and
out—so most repairs can be han-
dled in just one visit.
In-Home Repair Service
Consumers with impaired
hearing or speech who have
access to a TDD or a conventional
teletypewriter may call 800-TDD-
GEAC (800-833-4322) to request
information or service.
For Customers With
Impaired Hearing
You can have the secure feeling that GE Consumer Service will still
be there after your warranty expires.
Purchase a GE contract while your
warranty is still in effect and you’ll receive a substantial discount. With a
multiple-year contract, you’re assured of future service at today’s prices.
Service Contracts