•The built-in battery can only be recharged when the unit is in CHARGE mode while using the AC
• Thebuilt-inbatterycannotberechargedwhentheunitisinpowerONmode.
• DoNOTrechargethebatteryinthevehiclebyusingthecarpoweradapter.
• Whenthebuilt-inbatterypowerislow, will display on the screen and the unit will stop playing.
• Rechargethebuilt-inbatterywhenyouarereadytouseitagain.
• Whileusingthebuilt-inbattery,theenvironmentaltemperatureshouldbe41°F(5°C)to95°F(35°C).
• Togetthelongestservicelifeofthebuilt-inbattery,chargeatindoortemperature.
C. Using the Built-in Battery
The unit has a built-in, non-replaceable, rechargeable battery. Charge the built-in battery before using it for
the first time. The normal charging time should be completed within 4-5 hours.
The green charging light will go out when the built-in battery becomes fully charged.
To Recharge the Built-in Battery
• Thebuilt-inbatteryshouldnotbeexposedtoexcessiveheatsuchassunshine,reorthelike.
• Thebuilt-inbatterypresentariskofreorchemicalburnifmistreated.Donotdisassemble,heat
• Disposeoftheunitwithusedbuilt-inbatteryproperly,environmentalproblemsmustbeconsidered
and local rules or laws governing the disposal must be strictly followed.