
After recording and checking a program cassette, you can
break out the tabs at the top of the cassette to prevent
accidental erasure. In the event you wish to record on a
cassette after you have broken out the tabs, you can do so
simply by pasting tape over the tab holes. You can record and
keep your own cassette software library starting with the game
programs in Appendix D. Cassette recording or playback
should require 5 + 2.5N seconds. N is the number of pages
recorded on tape. Recording or loading the entire 2048-byte
RAM (8 pages) will require less than 30 seconds. Ile next
section describes how you can design your own programs
using a unique easy-to-learn programming language called
11. COSMAC VIP Operation 1
01FF, then load the game program starting at 0200.
Record a cassette from 0000 to the end of the game
program. When you load this tape, starting at 0000, you
will be ready to play the game.
Testing Your Cassette
Test your cassette system by entering the beeper
program at 0000 (Appendix A). Store 25 at 06FF. Now
record 7 pages on a cassette starting at 0000. Load these
7 pages back into memory from the cassette starting at
0000. If no errors occur you should see "06FF 25" on
the screen after loading is complete. Flip RUN down,
then up, and the beeper program should be running.