26 Chapter 4
Using On-Screen Menus
Tip: When you have unread Caller ID calls:
The telephone icon in the channel banner will be
highlighted white.
If you’ve set the Caller ID Light to On in the Caller ID Setup
menu, the front panel light will flash (when the digital
satellite receiver is off).
If you’d like more information to appear in your Caller ID
banner and call list, or if you’d like to subscribe to Caller
ID, check with your local phone company about the
availability of different types of Caller ID service.
Receiving Calls
When your phone rings twice and Caller ID Message is set to On, a banner appears at the
bottom of the screen temporarily. To clear the caller ID banner from the screen, press the CLEAR
button on the remote control.
The banner may include the phone number, date, and time; or the name, phone number, date,
and time. The banner information depends on the type of service your telephone company
The Caller ID banner will override closed captioning at the bottom of the screen and will appear
for the amount of time selected in the Caller ID Setup screen. The Caller ID banner will not be
displayed if you are in the menu system or a timer is active when you receive a call.
Note: If using your telephone and another call arrives, the new call’s information won’t appear in the banner or
be recorded in the Caller ID List screen unless you have type II service and a type II Caller ID box in your house.
If you have a timer set to record, the Caller ID banner will be temporarily overridden for the duration of that
timer. When the record timer event is over, the Caller ID banner will display as selected under Caller ID Message.
When viewing or recording manually (not using a timer) the Caller ID banner will display (and be recorded if
recording) as selected under Caller ID Message.
At all times Caller ID messages will be stored in the Caller ID List screen (unless a call arrives when you are on
the telephone and you do not have a Type II box or Type II service).
Message Indicators
The following is text that may appear in the incoming Caller ID banner and call list.
Out of Area The name and/or phone number of the incoming call is coming from outside the
local area.
Private Name The name of the incoming call is sent as “Blocked” from the phone company.
Private Number The phone number of the incoming call is sent as “Blocked” from the phone
Unknown Name The name of the incoming call is not provided by the telephone company or
the information is unreadable.
Unknown Number The number of the incoming call is not provided by the telephone company
or the information is unreadable.
Note: To clear the Caller ID banner from the screen, press CLEAR on the remote control.
The Caller ID List Screen
The digital satellite receiver can store up to 20 call entries in the Caller ID List screen. When the
memory is full, a new call automatically replaces the oldest call in memory. The list also tells you
if you have received multiple calls from the same number.
To access the call list:
• Select Caller ID List from the Messages menu, or
• Press the INFO button on the remote control and select the phone icon.
Tip: Don’t Forget About the CLEAR Button
Press the CLEAR button on the remote control to remove
the on-screen menus and return to normal viewing.
Deleting Calls
From the Caller ID List screen, you can delete entries:
1. Highlight the call you wish to delete and press SELECT.
2. A crumpled paper icon appears to indicate that you wish to delete the call.
3. To permanently delete the call, exit the screen. If you change your mind before exiting the
screen, highlight the call then press SELECT to restore it. The crumpled paper icon should