To add a Group via Phone interface:
Press DIR/TOGGLE and OK button or
Use the LEFT and RIGHT navigation keys to choose AddGroup, press the OK button
to enter to the Add Group page.
Enter the group name and choose a ring tone to be associated with this group.
Press OK button to save.
To congure the speed dial keys via Phone Interface:
Use the UP and DOWN navigation keys to select the key on which you want to
store a contact number, press the OK key to conrm
Use the RIGHT and LEFT navigation keys to select Speed Dial, then use the UP
and DOWN keys to select Account if you want to assign this speed dial keys to a
specic account. Use the UP and DOWN navigation keys to select Value, enter the
desired number and press OK key to conrm.
To use a Speed Dial key, simply hold DOWN the desired key for 2 seconds. The
IP110 will automatically begin dialing that selection.
To edit/delete a contact via Phone interface:
Use the UP and DOWN navigation key to select the contact list (e.g. 1.Contacts)
and press the OK button.
Use the UP and DOWN navigation key to select the contact you want to edit or delete,
then press LEFT/RIGHT navigation keys to select Edit or Del and press the OK button.
If you select Edit, you will be able to change the Name, Numbers, Account, Ring-
tone and Group of the selected contact. Make the desired changes, press the OK
button, or press MENU return to previous menu. If you select Del, the phone will
ask if you are sure you wish to delete this contact. Press OK again, and the contact
will be deleted.
John Smith
Contact Management
Edit/Add/Delete Contacts
The IP110 features a 300 entry phonebook and 10 speed dial keys.
With the phonebook you can add, edit, delete, dial, search for a contact or create
groups of contacts.
The phonebook also includes a Blacklist feature to block unwanted calls.
To add a contact via Phone interface:
Press DIR/TOGGLE and the OK button
Press OK button to enter into the Contacts list, press UP navigation key to select
the ADD option, Press the OK button, and enter a Name for your contact. Then
press the DOWN navigation key to enter phone number of the contact via the
keypad. Use the DIR/TOGGLE key to select between numeric and upper/lower case
alphanumeric modes.
Press the DOWN navigation key to select if you would like this contact to be as-
sociated with a specic VoIP account on this phone. The default is Auto.
Press DOWN navigation key to set and choose a special ring tone for the contact.
If you want to assign this contact to a group, use the DOWN navigation key to
select the group.
Press OK button to add the contact, or the MENU/BACK key to cancel the change.