Chapter 3 The Remote Control
Chapter 3 The Remote Control
Display Messages (when remote is in programming mode)
CODE SET Set up a code.
MAN SRCH Manual code search.
AUTO SRCH Automatic code search from the remote’s code library.
IR LEARN Learn additional functions into a button.
IR DELETE Delete the learned function from a button.
VOL LOCK Locking the volume of the remote to a designated component.
VOL UNLOCK Unlocking the volume of the remote from a locked
KEY MACRO Set up or delete a macro button sequence for a button.
MODE MAP Reassign (or map) from one component to another.
DISCRETE ADD Adds a discrete RCA code to a button.
DISCRETE CLEAR Clears a discrete RCA code that you added onto a button.
CLOCK SET Setting the clock time on the remote.
OPS RESET Operational reset clears functions you programmed, except for
component programming (go to page 58 for details).
MFR RESET Manufacturing reset clears all programmed functions and
returns the remote control to its original state. This option
doesn’t appear in the main CODE SET menu (you have to press
a series of buttons to access it). Go to page 58 for details.