Using the DVD Player's Menu System
The Sound Menu
The Sound menu [ets you select different sound settings to match the eqtlipn]ent you ha\c'
connected to your I)VD l)]ayer.
Digital Output
Digital OIAtpLI[lets you choose which type of digital audio is output frona your D\q) player. II
you'\,..' usc'd an optical cabk! to connect a I)olbv Prc_ Logic. I)olby Digital ()] DTS t,..c_:i',_..r, you
IllLISlselect a digital OUtl_Ut\\ilh this setting There are two optioi-Js:
I)olby l)igit:tl: Choose this setting if you connected a l)o[by Digital rccci',er
• DTS: Choose' tl/is setting i[ you connected :1DTS recei\er (:,rdec,:_der to ','our D\D Pktyer.
You can check both options if your receiver is Cal',,able of decompressing both types of audio The
default is Dolby Digital. To change the digital output:
Re+urn*, pl_v
_y M,a_e
t_!* 2
Disg*+a't <i D,g)la KILdTlaUl ) Dolby _Ollll
............ 4.G o a_¢ Enhtmcemenls Nann
Tn)s is wh_=r_ the two li.,_s of o)ntext se_t_ttbve _lp
will be 10c,=ted
Select the Digital Output option
from the Sound menu.
From the main menu. highlight and select the Sound option and
press OK (the Sound menu is displayed)
Highlight the Digital Output option and press OK.
Highlight the desired output and press OK.
Press the left arl'ok_:key to I'ettlrll 10 the 0._ain Illelltl.
If you set Digital Ozttput to D75'. l'ou must have yotu" DI 7) PIro'er
connected to a receive*" or decoder with the DTNfealure and the
disc you plal_ must support the DTS audioJormal, lf 3'ou choose
DTS a**d.l'ottr receiv#r or d_,coder doesJz 'tstff)porl DTS. .l'ott won 'l
hear a_zl' audio.
78 Chapter 6