Setting More Options continued
To Set LCD Light On-Time
1. Press and hold the SETUP key until the LCD
displays “
CCooddee SSeettuupp……..MMooddee??
” and the LED remains
on. Release the SETUP key.
2. Press the SETUP key repeatedly until “
SSeett mmoorree
” appears. Press and release the OK on the
LCD. “
SSeett TTiimmee??……DDAAYY HHHH::MMMM
” now appears in the LCD.
3. Press the SETUP key repeatedly until “
SSeett LLiigghhtt OOnn
” appears in the display. Press and release OK on
the LCD.
4. The LCD displays “
LLiigghhtt OOnn ffoorr XX00 sseeccss
” where “
” is
the “tens digit” of the current on time. The “
” is
fixed and you can only increment the 10’s digit for
00, 10, 20, …90 seconds on time. Press and release or
press and hold the UP (▲) or DOWN (▼) key to
select desired on time. Press and release OK twice on
the LCD. to save your settings.
5. The LCD displays “
SSeett mmoorree OOppttiioonnss
”. Press EXIT on
the LCD.
To Set Volume TV or Audio (Punch-Through)
1. Press and hold the SETUP key until the LCD
displays “
CCooddee SSeettuupp……..MMooddee??
” and the LED remains
on. Release the SETUP key.
2. Press the SETUP key repeatedly until “
SSeett mmoorree
” appears. Press and release the OK on the
LCD. “
SSeett TTiimmee??……DDAAYY HHHH::MMMM
” appears in the LCD.
3. Press the SETUP key repeatedly until “
” appears in the display.
Press and release OK.
4. “
SSeett VVoolluummee……..TTVV<<>>AAuuddiioo??
” remains in the display with
a solid arrow indicating the current setting. Press and
release the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW keys to select
TV or Audio. Press and release OK to save the selec-
Backlighting is generated by an Electroluminescent (EL) panel which gives a blue light that
lets you see the LCD in the dark. A light sensor circuit automatically enables the backlight-
ing. Backlighting remains on for a user selectable time period (00, 10, 20,…90 seconds). The
Power-on default is 10 seconds. The Backlight on timeout period is not allowed to exceed the
LCD on time. To set the Backlight On time:
This feature allows you to choose between which TV or AUDIO volume function will be your
master volume punch-through source. Volume punch-through allows you to set you main
audio source to control your volume up and down while in different device modes of your
remote. e.g. Once the Volume TV or Audio is set, you can have your TV or Tuner volume
and mute keys work while you are in Cable, DVD, SAT and VCR modes.