Your RCA SCT-530 High-Speed Dubbing Stereo Cassette
Deck combines two cassette decks for professional-quality
dubbing and the convenience of extended play. Its special
features include:
Dolby B Noise Reduction System — reduces tape hiss
and background noise for the best possible audio
Auto Tape Selector — automatically adjusts equalization
and bias to match the type of tape you play.
Continuous Play — lets you set the deck to
automatically play two tapes in sequence.
High-Speed Dubbing — lets you copy tapes at twice the
normal speed.
Auto-Stop — protects the tape and the playback/record
mechanisms by stopping playback or recording at the end
of the tape.
For your permanent records, we urge you to record
your cassette deck’s serial number in the space below.
You can find the serial number on the label on the back
panel of the cassette deck.
Serial Number:
©1999 Tandy Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.
Warning: Most prerecorded tapes contain
copyrighted material.Copying or dubbing of such
material is a violation of copyright laws.
Dolby and the double-D symbol 2 are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.
Dolby Noise Reduction manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation.
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