Chapter 6. Command-Line Utilities
Option Description
-a Specifies the user's existing password. For
-a old_password
-S Specifies that the command should prompt for a
new password for the user.
-s Specifies a new password for the user. For
-S new_password
-T Specifies a file from which to read the new
password. For example:
-T new_password.txt
-t Specifies a file from which to read the user's
existing password. For example:
-t old_password.txt
-w Specifies the password associated with the
distinguished name specified in the -D option.
For example:
-w mypassword
Table 6.19. ldappasswd-specific Options
General ldappasswd Options
The ldappasswd utility requires confidentiality. If the messages are not encrypted
with SSL, TLS, or an appropriate SASL mechanism, the server will not perform the
Option Description
-3 Specifies that hostnames should be checked in
SSL certificates.
-D Specifies the distinguished name with which
to authenticate to the server. This value must
be a DN recognized by the Directory Server,
and it must also have the authority to delete the
entries. For example:
-D "uid=bjensen, dc=example,dc=com"