Chapter 3. Configuration 13
Name Default Description
http_subdocroot No value set by default Thedirectory, relative to the
documentroot, where the web pages
are stored. TUX defaults to using
documentroot if http_subdocroot has
no value.
ftp_subdocroot No value set by default Thedirectory, relative to the
documentroot, where the files to be
served by the FTP server are stored.
TUX defaults to using the document
root defined for the HTTP server if
ftp_subdocroot has no value.
ftp_log_retr_only 0 If set to 0, TUX will log every other
command as well. If set to 1, TUX will
only log RETR FTP commands to cut
down the log size.
ftp_wait_close 1 If set to 1, TUX will wait for data socket
to close before sending completion
message to command socket. Certain
clients (for example, lynx) get confused
by TUX’s high level of asynchronity.
This setting slows down FTP RETR
downloads and directory listings and
increases packet count, but it works
around broken FTP clients. If set to 0,
TUX will not wait for the FTP client to
notice the closed data socket.
404_page 404.html If TUX does not manage to look up a
requested page then it first tries to look
up the document specified in 404_page.
If the 404 page can not be found, the
canned 404 message is sent. The file is
relative to the document root.
threads The number or
server-threads, set at
most to 1 per CPU
The number of kernel threads (and
associated daemon threads) to be used.
Can not be greater than the number of
CPUs on the system. If using the init
script /etc/rc.d/init.d/tux, threads
should be set in /etc/sysconfig/tux
mode_allowed S_IROTH Required permissions for files TUX will
process. See "man 2 stat" for all values.
mode_forbidden dir+sticky+execute Files with this permission-mask are
"forbidden" and will not be processed
by TUX. See "man 2 stat" for all values.
nonagle 2 If set to 0, standard Nagle output
packet merging. If set to 1, no Nagle
merging of output packets. If set to 2,
TCP_CORK-style output packet