34 www.seektech.com Ridge Tool Company Elyria, Ohio U.S.A
SeekTech SR-60
Figure 60: Setting a Frequency to “Currently
Available” Status
To switch to a “Currently Available” frequency that is
not yet “Checked-Active”, press the Menu Key
and scroll down to the desired frequency; if it is not
checked, press the Select Key to toggle the checkbox
to “checked”. This sets the status of that frequency to
“Checked-Active”. Press the Menu Key to return to
the operating display, which will now be set to the
frequency just activated. The SR-60 will show the
chosen frequency and its icon on the left of the
Selected frequencies in the Checked-Active set can
be switched while the SR-60 is in use, by pressing
the Frequency Key. The SR-60 will cycle down the
list through the set of active frequencies from low to
high, group by group, and repeat. Unchecking a
frequency in the Main Menu will deactivate it, and it
will then not appear when pressing the Frequency
Note: If a frequency appears missing, look to
make sure it is currently available in the Main
Menu frequencies list. If it is, select it using the
Select Key. If not, go to the Frequency
Selection menu and the appropriate sub-
category and select it there, checking the box
to make it “Currently Available” and bring it
into the Main Menu list. Make sure it is
“checked” at both menu levels for it to appear
in the current working set of frequencies.
Information Screen and Restoring Defaults
Information Screen
The information screen appears at the bottom of the
menus choices list. Pressing the Select Key displays
information about your locator, including software
version, serial number of the receiver, and its calibration
date (
Figure 61).
Figure 61: Information Screen
Restore Factory Defaults
Pressing Select a second time will display the Restore
Factory Defaults option. (See
Figure 62.)
Figure 62: Restore Defaults Option
Use the Up and Down Keys to highlight either the
“check” symbol to restore factory defaults, or the “X”
symbol to NOT restore them.
Figure 63: Defaults Restored (Line Trace Mode)
Pressing the Menu Key without changing either
checkbox will exit the option and leave things as they