Chapter 2: Operating the GLC-1
The GLC-1 Teacher Control Pad is the heart of the GLC-1 Group Learning Controller. It provides routing capabilities
similar to those found in a telephone switchboard. For example, when a teacher needs to hear a particular student, or group
of students, he or she can do so using the GLC-1 Teacher Control Pad. When a teacher needs to arrange the class into four
groups of four students for quartet-style playing, he or she can do so from the GLC-1 Teacher Control Pad. While rewiring
the conference system for alternate configurations may seem difficult, it’s actually as simple as pressing one or two buttons.
With the GLC-1, the following applications are all possible from the Teacher Control Pad.
Initialize the System Using [ALL CLEAR]
At any time, the GLC-1 can be reset to its factory default settings using the [ALL CLEAR] button combination. To do this,
simultaneously press the [All] and [STUDENT MUTE] buttons. This turns off all of the lights on the GLC-1 and instantly
creates an individual student practice system.
Create an Individual Student Practice System
Students Hear:
Their instrument and microphone, unless [STUDENT MUTE] is engaged.
Teacher Hears:
The teacher’s instrument and microphone.
This is the default mode of the GLC-1. Simultaneously press the [All] and [STUDENT MUTE] buttons to establish
an individual student practice system.
Communicate with the Class
(One-Way Communication)
Students Hear:
Their instrument and microphone.
The teacher’s instrument and microphone.
Teacher Hears:
The teacher’s instrument and microphone.
Use this slider to control the listening level in the teacher’s headphones. Move the slider upwards to increase the
listening level and move the slider downwards to decrease the listening level. Place the slider approximately halfway
between the minimum and maximum positions to start.
Chapter 2: Operating the GLC-1