
Roland’s HPi-Series makes piano lessons easy—and so much fun!
DigiScore notation displayed
on the music rest
Pianist feature for
more piano lesson enjoyment
The ideal instrument for
creating teaching materials
Easy connectivity and more
Advanced sound and touch features
Even more educational Wonderland fun for kids
Visual Lesson: your own personal tutor
The DigiScore LCD screen is built right into the music
rest for easy viewing. It displays the notation of all
internal songs, of commercially available Standard
MIDI Files, of music files you download off the
Internet, or of your own recorded
performances. A “Bouncing ball”
on the staff helps keep time
visually as you play, while the
DigiScore “turns the pages” for
you. It’s perfect for lessons.
The HPi-Series incorporates Roland’s latest stereo-sampled piano sounds, for superb piano
playing realism. Its Damper Resonance reproduces the rich, “free-vibration” resonance sound of
the strings obtained when playing an acoustic piano with the damper pedal pressed. The HPi-7
also produces other realistic acoustic piano nuances, including Lid, String Resonance*, and
Hammer Response**. In addition, its new velocity-sensitive Key-off Resonance piano tones
re-create the subtle sound nuance of the damper touching the strings upon key release. On both
models, the Touch settings let you adjust the key touch to suit your finger strength.
Roland’s popular Wonderland section, now with a Flash Card on
the HPi-7, offers 8 educational games (5 games on HPi-5)
designed to help children have fun while learning about music. Kids
can choose from 8 entertaining
metronome sounds (7 sounds on
HPi-5) to help encourage them in
their lessons. These include:
electronic sound, pendulum
metronome, human voice, dog,
and cat.
The Pianist feature creates automatic accompaniment in
35 music styles (30 on HPi-5), from classical to jazz to
bossa nova. It makes lessons more fun, and helps devel-
op a sense of rhythm. And it’s great for making music files.
The HPi-7’s connectors are conveniently located at the
front of the instrument for easy
access. It has two headphone
jacks, and MIDI and USB ports.
The Mic Input with Echo is great
for karaoke. There’s also a handy
hook for the headphones.
The HPi-7’s Edit function lets you add optional
finger numbering right into the notation, change
the length of the song, or edit any note in the
music files. And it’s easy, because you can do it all
while looking at the music. Also, your music file
notation can be saved as a bitmap file, which you
can print out using your PC.
The HPi-7’s wider display lets you
split the screen, to set the
metronome while looking at the
notation as it plays back, or to
show the notation and the lyrics
at the same time.
The new Visual Lesson feature (HPi-7 only) acts as your personal interactive
music tutor. It has three courses. Each of these includes independent exercis-
es, 10 songs with variable levels, and Practice, Check, and Review screens.
Visual Lesson also works with all internal songs, as well as Standard MIDI
Files—so there’s literally no limit to the number of songs you can use.
Flash Card game (HPi-7):
Interactive Flash Card games are
an effective way to learn to read music.
You can display
your favorite photo
on the DigiScore screen.
You can select vertical
or horizontal sheet
music formats.
You can enlarge the onscreen notation.
Review Screen of Visual Lesson (HPi-7):
Practice Screen Check Screen
Areas of your performance that need extra attention are
“marked” right onscreen. Incorrect pitch is marked in
red. Incorrect rhythm is marked in blue. Extra notes are
marked in green. It's truly interactive!
The notes you play appear
instantly on the onscreen notation.
When you finish playing, the HPi-7 grades
the accuracy of your pitch and rhythm, and provides
simple onscreen advice.
3 Visual Lesson Courses:
Beginner’s Course—for practicing with right hand only
Repertoire Course—for mastering your favorite songs
Challenge Course—for checking your playing skills
*String Resonance accurately reproduces the subtle and varied sympathetic string vibration caused
on an acoustic piano when a key is pressed while other keys are already being held down. (HPi-7)
**Hammer Response delivers the slightly slower hammer movement and sound characteristic of a
grand piano when played softly. (HPi-7)
HPi-7’s Lid function simulates
the changes in sound that
occur as you open or close
the lid of a grand piano.