Basic Operation
When the [MASTER] fader is lowered all the way, no audio is output to the speakers or a computer connected via USB. For information on using
the [MASTER] fader to adjust the final output, refer to “Adjusting the Final Audio Output” (p. 28).
Adjusting the Input Sensitivity and Stereo Position
Use the [GAIN] dials to adjust the input sensitivity and the [PAN] dial to adjust the stereo position.
1. Turn down the input sensitivity.
Before mixing your audio sources, first turn the [GAIN] dials counterclockwise to lower the input sensitivity.
2. Raise the faders to the unity position.
Raise the faders for each channel to the unity position (the intermediate position in the area of close-set scale markings).
3. Check incoming audio.
Perform a sound check by having audio sent into your microphones or audio input source.
4. Adjust the input sensitivity.
Gradually turn the [GAIN] dials clockwise to increase the input sensitivity. Raise this just enough that the [PEAK] indicators do not
light up when the output from the source is at maximum volume level.
Turning the [GAIN] dials may produce a popping noise or cause momentary audio drop-out, but this is not a malfunction.
Adjusting the Audio Balance