Creating a Patch
Overview Connections VS-700C Console VS-700R I/O Fantom VS Appendix
Release Time Offset
Release Time Offset alters the release time of the overall
patch, while preserving the relative differences between the
release time values set for each tone in the A-Env Time 4
parameters (p. 115), F-Env Time 4 parameters (p. 112).
-63– +63
Release Time:
The time from when you take your finger off
the key until the sound disappears.
This value is added to the release time value of a tone,
so if the release time value of any tone is already set to
“127” (maximum), positive “+” settings here will not
produce any change.
Velocity Sens Offset
(Velocity Sensitivity Offset)
Velocity Sensitivity Offset alters the Velocity Sensitivity of the
overall patch while preserving the relative differences
between the Velocity Sensitivity values set for each tone in
the parameters below.
Cutoff V-Sens parameter (p. 111)
Level V-Sens parameter (p. 113)
-63– +63
Pressure with which the key is pressed.
This value is added to the velocity sensitivity value of a
tone, so if the velocity sensitivity value of any tone is
already set to “+63” (maximum), positive “+” settings
here will not produce any change.
Specifies whether the patch will play polyphonically (POLY)
or monophonically (MONO). The “MONO” setting is effective
when playing a solo instrument patch such as sax or flute.
Only the last-played note will sound.
Two or more notes can be played simultaneously.
Legato Switch
Legato Switch is valid when the Mono/Poly parameter is set
to “MONO.” This setting specifies whether the Legato Switch
will be used (ON) or not (OFF).
With the Legato Switch parameter “ON,” pressing a key while
continuing to press a previous key causes the note to change
pitch to the pitch of the most recently pressed key, sounding
all the while. This creates a smooth transition between notes,
which is effective when you wish to simulate the hammering-
on and pulling-off techniques used by a guitarist.
Legato Retrigger (Legato Retrigger Switch)
The Legato Retrigger is valid when the Mono/Poly parameter
is set to “MONO” and the Legato Switch parameter is set to
“ON.” The setting determines whether sounds are replayed
(ON) or not (OFF) when performing legato. Normally you will
leave this parameter “ON.” When “OFF,” when one key is held
down and another key is then pressed, only the pitch
changes, without the attack of the latter key being played.
Set this to “OFF” when performing wind and string phrases or
when using modulation with the mono synth keyboard
Let’s say you have the Legato Switch set to “ON,” and
the Legato Retrigger set to “OFF.” When you try to
sound a legato (by pressing a higher key while a lower
key is held down), the pitch may sometimes not be able
to rise all the way to the intended pitch (stopping
instead at an intermediate pitch). This can occur
because the limit of pitch rise, as determined at the
wave level, has been exceeded. Additionally, if differing
upper pitch limits are used for the waves of a Patch that
uses multiple tones, it may stop being heard in MONO.
When making large pitch changes, set the Legato
Retrigger to “ON.”
VS-700_r_e.book 99 ページ 2008年11月20日 木曜日 午後2時28分