
WE WE* Range of values
Min. flow temperature 20 °C 20 °C 20 to 130 °C
* Default setting applies to system Anl 9, floor heating
5.2 Fixed set point control
During the times-of-use, the flow temperature can be controlled according to a fixed set point.
Outside the times-of-use, this set point is reduced by the
Set-back difference
. Both
flow temperature
Maximum flow temperature
parameters are set to identical values.
WE WE* Range of values
Max. flow temperature 90 °C 50 °C 20 to 130 °C
Min. flow temperature 20 °C 20 °C 20 to 130 °C
* Default setting applies to system Anl 9, underfloor heating
5.3 Underfloor heating
The system Anl 9 is designed for radiator heating in conjunction with an underfloor heating cir-
The maximum flow temperatureof the radiator circuit is onlyavailable to the underfloor heating
circuit. If the radiator circuit is in rated operation, its flow temperature is only reduced so far to
ensure that the flowtemperature of the underfloor heatingcircuit does not fall belowthe temper-
ature according to the heating characteristic for the control circuit RK2. If the radiator circuit is
switched off due to the outside temperature, the controller still continues to regulate a flow tem-
perature according to the heating characteristic for the control circuit RK1 at the flow sensor
VF1 despite of the deactivated circulation pump UP1.
Functions such as Optimization, Adaptation or Flash adaptation are only available for the ra
diator circuit after regulating the temperature according to the room temperature. A connected
remote operation also only has an influence on the operation of the radiator circuit.
The summer mode causes both heating circuits to be switched off. The
OT deactivation value in
rated operation
parameter relates toboth heating circuits, whereasthe
OT deactivation value in
reduced operation
parameter only effects the radiator circuit.
EB 5476 EN 43
Functions of the heating circuit