In the QE Headset, three noise cancelling modes operate together to provide
20 - 30 dB of noise reduction: First, the small size of the mic capsule and the
short distance between front and rear ports reduces the sensitivity at 1 kHz to
far field noise by 15 dB compared to the close talking response. Secondly, as
shown in the frequency response graph below, noise at lower frequencies is
additionally attenuated. And,
finally, the bi-directional polar
pattern reduces signal coming
from a 90° angle by 20 dB
more (and random signal by 5
dB more) compared to signal
originating from directly in front
of the mic capsule.
The frequency response of
the QV Headset (which is virtu-
ally flat across the entire audible range) is shown in the illustration on the follow-
ing page: