
Machine status and advanced features_ 59
Job Management
This menu item is avaidlable when the optional hard disk is installed.
(See "Printing with the optional hard disk" on page 88.)
TCP/IP (IPv4) Select appropriate protocol and configure
parameters to use the network environment.
There are lots of parameters to be set;
therefore, if you are not sure, leave as is, or
consult the network administrator.
TCP/IP (IPv6) Selects this option to use the network environment
through IPv6. (See "IPv6 configuration" on
page 39.)
Configure the wireless network environments.
(See "Wireless network setup" on page 32.)
Clear Settings Reverts the network settings to the default values.
You can print the network configuration report.
Net. Activate You can set to use Ethernet on or off.
Http Activate You can set to use SyncThru™ Web Service or
not. If you set this option to “off”, users cannot
access SyncThru™ Web Service.
a.This menu only appears when an optional wireless network interface
has been installed.
Option Description