
9. Caution
Hard disks are very fragile electro-mechanical devices, which are very sensitive to e xternal
shock and vibration, therefore be careful when you use not to be impacted and broken
by static electricity.
1) Handling Damage example from impact
If you move HDD while it is running: Spindle motor of the interior in HDD start to spinning
at high speed as soon as power on. Accordingly, if you move HDD without fixing previously
when power on, head is possible to collide disk and at this time floating particles occur.
And these particles damage to disk then cause failure.
If you dropped or knocked HDD: If you dropped or knocked HDD even though while it isn't
running, head collide disk due to vibration of ARM and at this time floating particles occur.
And these particles damage to disk then cause failure.
2) Damage example for static electricity
Man is easily charged with electricity so if we handle PCBA of HDD, the h igh-voltage
affect on IC or circuit and this become a failure cause.
3) Unconsciousness characteristic of product
Keeping the interior of HDD stainless make work regularly without particle of head or disk
therefore the interior of HDD is configurated in clean room,after done configuration all
cracks through the exterior are sealed by label so if user doesn't recognize this
characteristic, disjoint the HDD or remove Label or loose Screw could be a failure factor
caused by polluted particle.
4) Caution in center
There is such case that failure set is arrived in head S/C attaching label written failure
name to PCBA or the connecting part between cover of HDD and base after screen about failure
set receipted in center. In this case we have difficulties in repairing because we can't
remove label. It still looks like failure appearance after done repairing in case of
attaching to PCBA and if attaching label to th e connecting part of cover and base, we can't
open cover when we need to separate and repair in clean room. C onsequently be sure to mark
failure name in cover only.
Packaging requirement1 : Be sure to pack with anti-static bag, forwarding to the head S/C
as well as sending to customer after done preparing is the same. HDD is very fragile
electro-mechanical devices mentioned above, if we don't keep this, failure is getting worse
while forwarding.
Packaging requirement2: Be sure to put HDD in direction of 40 pin connect lower
certainly. Follow the example form of the head S/C package model. In corrugated card
board box,20 block-formed sponges is in the box. Then HDD, piled anti-static bag in each
partition, lay in the sponge 40 pin connect is lowered.