3. Useful setting menus
System setup
Item Description
Date & Time Sets the date and time.
Clock Mode
Selects the format for displaying time between
12 hr and 24 hr.
Form Menu
• Off: Prints in normal mode.
• Single Form: Prints all page using the first
• Double Form: Prints the front page using the
first form and the back page using the second
Select Form
Form overlay is images stored on the printer’s
hard disk as a special file format that can be
printed in layers on any document.
HDD Spooling
When On, stores documents on the hard disk
drive (HDD) for network printing.
Sets the language of the text that appears on the
control panel display.
Default Paper
You can set the default paper size to use.
Power Save
Sets how long the machine waits before going to
power save mode.
When the machine does not receive data for an
extended period of time, power consumption is
automatically lowered.
Wakeup Event
You can set the condition to wake up from
power-save mode. Set the item on.
• Button Press: When you press any button
except power button, the machine wake up
from the power save mode.
• Printer: When you open or close the paper
tray, the machine wake up from the power
save mode.
Auto Continue
Determine whether or not the machine
continues printing when it detects the paper
does not match the paper settings.
• Off: If a paper mismatch occurs, the machine
waits until you insert the correct paper.
• On: If a paper mismatch occurs, an error
message will display. The machine waits for
about 30 second, then automatically clear the
message and continue printing.
Altitude Adj.
Optimize print quality according to the
machine’s altitude.
Item Description