Using advanced print features
3. Special features
Paper Options Changes the size of a document to appear larger or smaller on the printed page by entering in a percentage by which to enlarge or
decrease the document.
Watermark The watermark option allows you to print text over an existing document. For example, you use it when you want to have large gray letters
reading “DRAFT” or “CONFIDENTIAL” printed diagonally across the first page or all pages of a document.
(Creating a watermark)
a To change the print settings from your software application, access Printing Preferences.
b Click the Advanced tab, select Edit from the Watermark drop-down list. The Edit Watermarks window appears.
c Enter a text message in the Watermark Message box.
You can enter up to 256 characters. The message displays in the preview window.
(Editing a watermark)
a To change the print settings from your software application, access Printing Preferences.
b Click the Advanced tab, select Edit from the Watermark drop-down list. The Edit Watermarks window appears.
c Select the watermark you want to edit from the Current Watermarks list and change the watermark message and options.
d Click Update to save the changes.
e Click OK or Print until you exit the Print window.
(Deleting a watermark)
a To change the print settings from your software application, access Printing Preferences.
b Click the Advanced tab, select Edit from the Watermark drop-down list. The Edit Watermarks window appears.
c Select the watermark you want to delete from the Current Watermarks list and click Delete.
d Click OK or Print until you exit the Pr
int window.
Item Description