Unit 4: Printer Configuration
GL408-412e Operator Manual
4-40 PN: 9001163A
Is the menu selection screen for the INTERFACES Mode.
Determines whether the print data code will be deleted. Hexadecimal graphic data will not be
• No - factory default. Will not be deleted.
• Yes - will delete all carriage returns (CR) and line feed (LF) commands in the data stream -
including graphics and 2D barcodes.
This menu screen is only available when Status 5 is selected for Bi-Com interface. Determines
how the printer will react if the item number (ID Command) is set to be processed by the printer.
• Disable - factory default. Does nothing regardless of whether the item number is included in
the format.
• Cancel - errors when the incorrect item number is being accessed. When the printer is
brought back online from the error, by pressing the Line key, the incorrect job is canceled.
• Resume - errors when the incorrect item number is being accessed. When the printer is
brought back online from the error, by pressing the Line key, the incorrect job is canceled.
Block-Check-Code Algorithm Check. Only available when Status 5 is selected for Bi-Com
interface. Determines how the printer will react if the BCC is set to be processed by the printer.
• Disable - factory default. Does nothing regardless of whether the BCC is included in the
• Cancel - errors when the incorrect BCC is being accessed. When the printer is broght back
online from an error, by pressing the Line key, the incorrect job is printed.
• Resume - error when the incorrect item number is being accessed. When the printer is
brought back online from the error, by pressing the Line key, the incorrect job is canceled.
The history buffer stores a history of printer statuses. Is only available when Status 5 is selected
for Bi-Com interface.
• Temporary - factory default. Store the history buffer in the internal RAM. This memory is
deleted when the printer’s power is turned off.
• Permanent - stores the history buffer in Flash (internal or optional) Memory. This memory
can only be cleared through the printer’s display.
Communication Protocol. Selects the mode of Bi-Directional communications. In most cases this
menu does not need to be altered and is meant to help support legacy applications which may
have incorporated older bi-directional statuses. Anything other than Staus 5 or Standard (none) is
not recommended.
• Status 5 - factory default. Most advanced of the options. This status is the most recent and
represented in the interface specifications. For more information, refer to the appropriate
section in the programming and interface guide.
• Standard - bi-directional interface is not used.
• Status 2 - legacy bi-directional support. Not recommended for new applications.
• Status 3 - legacy bi-directional support. Not recommended for new applications.
• Status 4 - legacy bi-directional support. Not recommended for new applications.
Ignore CR/LF
Item No. Check
BCC Check
History Buffer
Comm. Protocol
Host Interface
Parallel Port
USB Port
Serial Port
Printer Mgt
Ignore CR/LF
Item No. Check
BCC Check
History Buffer
Comm. Protocol
Status 5*