Section 3: Interface Specifications
M84Pro Service Manual PN 9001113A Page 3-6
The data streams for X-On/X-Off and Ready/Busy flow control are constructed in the same way
as they are for Ready/Busy flow control (<ESC>A . . Job#1 . . <ESC>Z<ESC>A . . Job#n . .
<ESC>Z). An example of this would be: <ESC>A . . Job#1 . . <ESC>Z. All characters are in
The Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface is a Plug-In Interface Module that can be installed by
the user. It requires a driver (shipped with each printer that has the interface installed) that must
be loaded on your PC and the PC must be configured to support USB peripherals using Windows
98 or above. Details for loading the USB driver are contained in the USB Interface Manual that is
shipped with each printer with a USB Optional interface installed. Up to 127 devices may be
connected to a USB port using powered hubs.
A Local Area Network (LAN) interface is an optional Plug-In Interface Module that can be
installed by the user. It requires a driver shipped with each printer that has the interface installed.
The driver that must be loaded on your PC and the PC must be configured to run one of the
supported network protocols using a 10/100BaseT LAN connection. Details for loading the LAN
driver are contained in the LAN Interface Manual that is shipped with each printer with a LAN
Optional interface installed.
This is a two-way communications protocol between the host computer and the printer, thus
enabling the host to check printer status. When Bi-Com 4 communications is selected, there is no
busy signal from the printer. The host must request the complete status from the printer, including
ready/busy. The host may request status in two different ways.
In the Bi-Com 4 mode, the host transmits an ENQ (05 hexadecimal) to the printer and the printer
will respond with its status within five milliseconds. If printing, it will respond upon finishing the
current label, then resume printing. In order for this protocol to work properly with an RS232C
Printer Connector USB Type B Plug
Cable 10 feet (3 m) maximum
Host Windows 98 or above with USB Port
Power Supply BUS Power through cable
Power Consumption +5 V at 80 ma
Connector RJ-45 Receptacle
Cable 10/100BaseT Category 5
Power Supply Powered from printer