Key Operator Settings
❒ The messages from the Specified
Senders that you registered or
messages from the senders other
than those you registered are for-
warded to the specified addresses.
You can choose whether to have
these messages forwarded also to
the Forwarding Address with no
Specified Senders, if there are any,
using User Parameters. See p.178
“User Parameters”(switch 09 bit
❒ You can choose whether the ma-
chine prints out the messages it
forwards with User Parameters.
See p.178 “User Parame-
ters”(switch 11 bit 6).
❒ You can register up to 30 Forward-
ing Addresses.
❒ Each Forwarding Address may be
up to 254 digits.
❒ You can register up to 10 Specified
Senders to each Forwarding Ad-
dress. The maximum number of
Specified Senders is 50, including
those registered for Multi-copy Re-
ception, Authorized Reception,
Specified Tray, Memory Lock or
TX/RX File Save.
❒ By programming different Speci-
fied Senders to each Forwarding
Address, the maximum 50 Speci-
fied Senders can be registered.
❒ The maximum number of Speci-
fied Senders you can register is 50,
however, if you program the same
Specified Senders to different For-
warding Addresses, up to 300 (30
Forwarding Addresses × 10 Speci-
fied Senders per Forwarding Ad-
dress) of the Specified Senders can
be programmed.
❒ See the below table for how to
count the number of registered
Specified Senders:
❒ You can have a forwarding mark
stamped on each forwarded docu-
❒ You can change the current setting
by following the same procedure
for making a new setting. Change
the values of settings according to
your needs.
❖ Forwarding Mark
You can have a mark stamped on
documents to indicate that they
have been forwarded.
At the forwarding destination this
can help distinguish between stan-
dard faxes and faxes that have
been forwarded.
ing Ad-
dress 1
ing Ad-
dress 2
The number of
the registered
Sender A
Sender A
1Total: 5
Sender B
Sender C
Sender D
Sender D
Sender F
Total: 4 Total: 3
The total number of the
programmed Speci-
fied Senders: 7