Reception Features
Screening Out Messages From Anonymous Senders
To help you screen out unwanted messages that may fill up your memory, the
machine can be programmed to only use Substitute Reception for messages that
arrive with Own Name/Own Fax Number identification.
Two settings are available:
• "When a name or fax number is received"
• "Free"
❒ If a sender has not programmed their Own Name or Own Fax Number, the
machine may reject an important fax message. We recommend that you ask
important senders to register an Own Name or Own Fax Number in advance.
❒ If "When a name or fax number is received" is selected, the machine only
stores messages when the name or fax number is present. You can change this
with User Parameters. See p.178 “User Parameters” (switch 05 bit 1).
p.55 “Own Name/Fax Header/Own Fax Number”, <Basic Features>
❖ When a Name or Fax Number is received
The machine switches to Substitute Reception only when the sender has pro-
grammed their Own Name or Own Fax Number. If the power switch is
turned off for 12 hours or longer, all the messages received are deleted. In
such a case, the Power Failure Report or the Journal can be used to identify
which messages are lost so you can ask the senders to transmit them again.
You can also use this function to screen out unwanted messages, thus con-
serving memory.
❖ Free
The machine switches to Substitute Reception regardless of whether or not
the sender has programmed their Own Name or Own Fax Number.