Function List
Communication Information
Feature name Description Reference
Checking and Canceling the
Transmission Files
This feature cancels, confirms,
or changes a file (reservation)
for Memory Transmission,
Confidential Transmission,
Transfer Request, Polling Re-
ception, or Polling Transmis-
P.59 “Checking and Canceling
Transmission Files”
Printing the TX File List The transmission file list can
be manually printed. This list
allows you to know the files
stored in memory or the file
P.64 “Printing a List of Files in
Memory (Print TX File List)”
Displaying the Transmission
Part of the TCR can be shown
on the display. The results of
the last 50 transmissions are
displayed from the latest one.
P.65 “Checking the Transmis-
sion Result (TX File Status)”
Displaying the Reception Re-
Part of the TCR can be shown
on the display. The results of
the last 50 receptions are dis-
played from the latest one.
P.66 “Checking the Reception
Result (RX File Status)”
Printing a Confidential Docu-
Prints messages received in
Confidential Reception mode.
P.67 “Printing a Confidential
Printing the Memory Lock Prints messages received in
Memory Lock mode.
P.69 “Printing a File Received
with Memory Lock”
Printing the TCR The TCR can be manually
printed. This report shows the
results of the last 50 communi-
P.71 “Printing the TCR”
Displaying the Memory Sta-
The status of the memory is
shown on the display.
P.72 “Displaying the Memory